Welcome to my blog! I’m happy you’re here. We already have something in common—I always check out the “about me” page when I find a new blog, too. Let me tell you a little about myself.
Probably like you, I have lots of titles in my life. I’m wife of 25 years to the best man, and mom to four inspiring young adults. One has flown the coop (and is literally learning to fly!), two are in college and the youngest is beginning her senior year. We live in Georgia, just south of Atlanta, near the town I grew up in. A few years ago we moved from a sweet neighborhood to our horse farm, where the two younger kids both ride. In addition to horses, we have half an ark of other animals: one goat, one donkey, one miniature horse, a cat…and two sweet Springer Spaniels.
I love Jesus. I grew up going to a Baptist church but as an adult have moved to a Lutheran congregation. I find I love the regular sacraments, the liturgy, and the lectionary, and that they continually point me to Jesus. I hope that by reading some of my posts you’ll be pointed to Jesus, too.
Many other titles have come and gone in my life. I’ve been an engineer and an actuary, and I owned a yarn shop for a couple of years. I’ve been a volunteer for countless school-related activities. I’ve been a Sunday School teacher and a youth chaperone and Vacation Bible School director. The most recent title I’ve relinquished is chauffeur…our youngest can drive herself now, even the horse trailer!
One of my favorite titles, though, is friend. I treasure the friendships I have, the women I’ve spent years playing Bunco with, my girls I work out with three times a week, the women I can count on for a cup of coffee and a good chat about the books we are reading. All those connections are so important to feeling less alone in a world that can sometimes feel like wilderness. It’s my hope that you’ll find a feeling of coming in from the wilderness here, too.
Thank you for joining me!