Senior Prayer, May 8

Senior Prayer, May 8

Only one week left! Last week the prayer was one of gratitude. This week, looking squarely at the end of the year, I wanted to pray through some of the promises God makes to our kids in Scripture. These are things God has already promised, and we know His promises are trustworthy and true. I reference Joshua 1, Isaiah 40, Jeremiah 29, 2 Corinthians 1, Philippians 1 and 4, and Hebrews 4, among others, in this prayer today. We conclude with Psalm 1. Every student at our school commits Psalm 1 to memory and they recite it often as a group, so it’s a special one in our community. Have a great week!


Thank you for bringing us safely through another week, for being present with us every day. You have blessed in so many ways through this year. We stand in awe of Your glory and Your power.

Today we remember what You’ve promised our kids. We want to pray over some of the things that You have told us were true. We can do this because all of the promises of God in Jesus are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us as believers.

Be present with our kids, Lord. You promised to be with them wherever they go. Help them to be strong and courageous, even when it looks like they face formidable enemies.

In fact, You are the source of their strength, and they will be able to do all things through Christ! Jesus, strengthen our kids to serve in Your kingdom.

Father, as our kids have grown up, we’ve only wanted for them to love You, for You to have their whole hearts. Some have already had times when they needed to seek You. All of them will have days or weeks or months when they will search. But You have told them already to call to You, and pray, and You would listen. Father, listen for their calls. And then, as they seek You in wholehearted ways, You’ve already promised that they will find You. Father, let their searches lead to you on paths that we might not even imagine.

As they find You, when they approach Your throne, give them every mercy, every grace so that they will be prepared in times of need.

Lord, we know that sometimes this journey of serving you can be really long and difficult. As they seek Your will, especially in waiting on You, renew their strength. You already promised this, but let them mount up with wings like eagles, and run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint.

And then the path they are on looks uncertain, it will be easy to feel discouraged. Increase their faith, Father, so they’ll be able to see how You bring good out of the hardest situations, that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to Your purpose.

Father, You began a good work in each one of these kids, in [insert the kids you are praying for here].

Bring each good work–all of this good work–to completion in the day of Christ Jesus.

And finally, we end with David’s words that our kids have learned so well. Write these words on their hearts, Father, that our kids will stand like strong trees:

How blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous: 
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Father, we love You. We ask for these things, which You promised, in Jesus’ name.


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